ISO 14001:2015
All products are manufactured in accordance with a strict quality system that has been certified to international standards, including ISO 22000:2005, Good Manufacturing Practice and HACCP. Our products are in full compliance with the safety standards of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam.
About Environment, Nutricare has been certified ISO 14001:2015 as CSR based on the core value of the business.
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ISO 14001:2015
5/5 - (1 vote) All products are manufactured in accordance with a strict quality system that has been certified to international standards, including ISO 22000:2005, Good Manufacturing Practice and HACCP. Our products are in full compliance with the safety standards of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam. About Environment, Nutricare has been certified ISO 14001:2015 ... Read more
Nutricare Company Limited presented gifts to needy children in Bac Kan
5/5 - (1 vote) On the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival, the trade union and HCM Communist Youth Union of Nutricare Nutrition Limited Company in collaboration with some charitable organizations visited and presented gifts to needy children in Ha Vi Commune – Bach Thong District – Bac Can Province. This is a regular activity of the ... Read more
Nutricare jointly “Examine -Deliver medicines-Give gifts” in Ha Giang
5/5 - (1 vote) On 22-24/8/2014, Nutricare accompanied with Journey of medical examination, medicine delivery and gift giving for disadvantaged people in Ngoc Linh Commune, Vi Xuyen District, Ha Giang Province. This is one of annual activities for community of Nutricare Company.
More than 1,000 gift packages from NUTRICARE were donated to people in CENTRAL PROVINCES
5/5 - (1 vote) It has been a thousand generations that continuous storms and floods occurr in Central, which makes people here always manage to fight with the severity of nature … Just over one month left that 2017 Lunar New year is coming, but to some countrysides in our country, Lunar New year still ... Read more
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