

High calcium content, 3 cups meets 100% of the recommended needs of the National Institute of Nutrition with Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Phosphorus to help prevent hypocalcemia, prevent osteoporosis.

The combination of Omega 3 fish oil rich in EPA, DHA and Nano Curcumin essence with Antioxidants system (Vitamins A, C, E, Selenium) helps to recover quickly, reduce inflammation after surgery and support the next treatment process.

Iodine content is reduced by up to 88% compared to other conventional dairy products, meeting the American Thyroid Association's recommendation for dietary iodine.

Supplementing with precious protein Lactium and the Mg - B6 duo is scientifically proven to help reduce fatigue and improve sleep quality. Provides 100% soluble fiber (FOS/Inulin) good for digestion, reducing constipation.
  • Q&A
  • Leanpro Thyro LID reduces up to 88% of iodine content while still fully adding other essential nutrients to help thyroid patients recover health.
    400g: 24 cans/carton
    900g: 12 cans/carton

Thành phần/ Đơn vị/ Trong 100 g/ Trong 100 ml pha chuẩn/
Ingredients Unit Per 100 g Per 100 ml
Năng lượng/Energy kcal 448 85.3
Đạm/Protein g 18.5 3.52
Chất béo/Fat g 16 3.05
MUFA+PUFA mg 4000 762
Dầu cá (EPA + DHA)/ Fish oil (EPA + DHA) mg 135 25.7
Carbohydrate tổng số/ Total Carbohydrate g 60 11.4
Chất bột đường/Glucid g 56 10.7
Chất xơ (FOS/Inulin)/Prebiotics g 4 0.76
Nano Curcumin mg 80 15.2
Curcuminoids mg 8 1.52
Taurin/ Taurine mg 40 7.62
Lactium mg 25 4.76
Vitamin A IU 1870 356
Vitamin D3 IU 448 85.3
Vitamin E IU 15.6 2.97
Vitamin K1 µg 41.4 7.9
Vitamin C mg 200 38.1
Vitamin B1 µg 1033 197
Vitamin B2 µg 1252 239
Thành phần/ Đơn vị/ Trong 100 g/ Trong 100 ml pha chuẩn/
Ingredients Unit Per 100 g Per 100 ml
Niacin µg 17089 3255
Axit Pantothenic/ Pantothenic acid µg 3371 642
Vitamin B6 µg 1710 326
Axit Folic/Folic acid µg 367 70
Vitamin B12 µg 2.2 0.43
Biotin µg 13.5 2.57
Natri/Sodium mg 284 54.1
Kali/Potassium mg 606 115
Canxi/Calcium mg 869 166
Phốt Pho/Phosphorus mg 495 94.3
Magie/Magnesium mg 139 26.5
Sắt/Iron mg 1.83 0.35
Kẽm/Zinc mg 7.9 1.5
Mangan/Manganese µg 827 158
Đồng/Copper µg 177 33.7
I-ốt/Iodine µg 30 5.71
Selen/Selenium µg 20.9 3.98
Crôm/Chromium µg 16.3 3.1
Molypden/Molybdenum µg 17.7 3.38
- Wash hands with soap before mixing.
- Slowly add 40g of Leanpro Thyro LID (4 scoops) to 180ml of boiled water to warm about 45-50 degrees Celsius, stir well 210ml of solution.
- After mixing, use up within 3 hours.
- Use 2-3 cups/day with dietary supplement, use 7 cups/day with complete diet or as directed by doctor/nutritionist.