

Methionine, BCAA, Choline, Arginine support liver detoxification, limit fatty liver condition, protect liver cells.

IgG antibodies from Colostrum colostrum and Antioxidants (Vitamins A, C, E, SELENIUM) help increase resistance, reduce fatigue.

FOS / Inulin soluble fiber, B vitamins to improve the digestive system. helps to eat well.

MUFA, PUFA fats are good for the heart. Adequate supplementation of vitamins & minerals helps to recover, promote overall health.

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Leanmax Ligos supplements methionine, BCAAs, and IgG antibodies from colostrum to help protect liver cells, strengthen the body’s resistance.

Package size:

400g: 24 cans/carton
900g: 12 cans/carton

Thành phần/Ingredient Đơn vị/Unit Trong /In 100 g Trong/In 1 ly (200 ml)/
Components Unit Per 100 g Per serving (200 ml)
Năng lượng/ Energy kcal 443 199
Đạm/Protein g 18.8 8.46
Arginine mg 894 402
Methionine mg 260 117
BCAA mg 3320 1494
Chất béo/Fat g 15.1 6.8
MCT g 4.33 1.95
MUFA mg 5463 2458
PUFA mg 1486 669
Carbohydrate tổng/ Total Carbohydrate g 60.1 27.1
Chất xơ hòa tan (FOS/Inulin) g 3.27 1.47
Colostrum mg 147 66.2
IgG mg 26.7 12
Choline mg 500 225
Vitamin A IU 1373 618
Vitamin D3 IU 412 185
Vitamin E IU 13.7 6.17
Vitamin K1 µg 31.4 14.1
Vitamin C mg 103 46.4
Vitamin B1 µg 1169 526
Vitamin B2 µg 753 339
Thành phần/ Đơn vị/ Trong 100 g/ Trong 1 ly (200 ml)/
Components Unit Per 100 g Per serving (200 ml)
Niacin µg 13979 6291
AxitPantothenic/Pantothenic acid µg 4996 2248
Vitamin B6 µg 1711 770
Axit Folic/Folic acid µg 122 54.9
Vitamin B12 µg 5.15 2.32
Biotin µg 28.1 12.7
Natri/Sodium mg 207 93.2
Kali/Potassium mg 169 76.1
Clo/Chloride mg 362 163
Canxi/Calcium mg 352 158
Phốt pho/Phosphorus mg 99.9 45
Magiê/Magnesium mg 70.9 31.9
Sắt/Iron mg 3.09 1.39
Kẽm/Zinc mg 8.09 3.64
Mangan/Manganese µg 927 417
Đồng/Copper µg 206 92.7
I ốt/Iodine µg 63 28.4
Selen/Selenium µg 18.1 8.15
Crôm/Chromium µg 20.3 9.14
Molypden/Molybdenum µg 20.2 9.09

Slowly add 5 tablespoons of Leanmax Ligos (equivalent to 45g) to 170 ml of cooled boiled water (45 – 50 degrees Celsius), stir well to get about 200ml of nutritious milk.

Drink 2-3 glasses a day or follow your doctor/dietitian’s instructions. The mixture after mixing uses within 3 hours.