Leanmax Adult milk: Nutritional secret to help restore health for people with debilitated body

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Understanding the feeling of fatigue when getting sick, Leanmax Adult milk offers nutritional solutions to help people with debilitated bodies fight disease more resiliently.

Asthenia is a prolonged systemic fatigue with symptoms of anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and fatigue leading to reduced productivity. This may be just a transient state, but it can also be a sign of a pathology. These signs are often ignored until the body has to warn of more serious problems.

When the body is debilitated, most patients feel no appetite. So how important is the role of nutrition for the debilitated person?

Nutrition for the debilitated person

 width=Patients with good nutrition will quickly recover their health

Among the causes of body weakness, nutrition is one of the most direct, but easily overlooked, causes. In fact, up to 30-60% of patients at the hospital suffer from nutritional deficiencies.

The consequences of debilitating physical conditions can increase the risk of infection, hospital cross-infection, reduce treatment response, prolong hospital stay and increase costs. If this situation is not corrected in time, the patient will become increasingly depressed and neglect to eat and drink. The vicious circle of body weakness begins again when nutrition is inadequate.

In particular, nutrition plays a very important role when treating surgical diseases because patients who suffer from the surgery often have to face with stress, blood loss, fluid loss, etc. For the best surgery results, the patient needs to ensure nutrition both before and after surgery.

Many studies have shown that preoperative poorly nourished patients have increased rates of infection, increased mortality and more complications than well-nourished patients.

When building a diet for people with physical debilitation, the calorie intake and nutritional components should be carefully considered. According to the Research on Nutritional Needs Recommendation of the National Institute of Nutrition, the debilitated person needs to supplement vitamin C and vitamin B. At the same time, the patient should eat according to a schedule, it is best to eat 3 meals / day, can be mixed with 2 extra meals, and absolutely should not skip meals.

However, most debilitated people often skip meals because they feel tired or have a poor appetite. So is there any nutritional solution to help patients recover faster?

Nutritional solution from Leanmax Adult


2 glasses of milk a day help people with debilitated body recover faster

Besides diet and medicine, people with physical debilitation still need to add specialized foods to enhance their ability to cope with disease. Leanmax Adult Milk is not only for people suffering from physical debilitation or malnutrition over 10 years old, but also for patients before and after surgery. This product is also suitable for the elderly or the sick in need of nutritional supplements.

With 2 glasses of milk a day, Leanmax Adult helps people with debilitated body recover faster. This nutritional solution also supports the heart, prevents osteoporosis, is good for digestion, helps reduce stress and sleep well.


 width=Nutritional and health-promoting solutions from Leanmax Adult

When the body is weakened, the patient not only loses his appetite but also easily develops a bored mood. Especially, the elderly or people with serious illnesses are even less interested in eating and drinking, making the treatment process more difficult.

Leanmax Adult Milk will help patients improve this condition better, with only 2 glasses of milk providing 24% of the body’s energy needs. In particular, nutritional ingredients such as vitamins A, C, E, B6 and minerals will help the body recover faster.

As a national brand in Vietnam, Leanmax is being trusted at central hospitals and central hospitals across the country such as Viet Duc Hospital, 108 Hospital, Hanoi Medical University Hospital, etc. For people with weakened bodies, this is an effective nutritional solution to be able to maintain better health.

Leanmax Adult Milk is a nutritional solution for adults and children over 10 years old, providing nutrients to help nourish and enhance health for people who are debilitated, anorexia, and ailing.

For more detailed information, please visit:

Website: https://nutricare.com.vn/

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/Leanmax.LeanProBeno

Hotline: 1800 6011 (toll free)

Cre: https://suckhoedoisong.vn/leanmax-adult-bi-quyet-dinh-duong-giup-hoi-phuc-suc-khoe-cho-nguoi-suy-nhuoc-co-the-169184177.htm

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