Actively boost the immunity system for the whole family with Coloscare

Rate this post – ColosCare contains immune-boosting nutrients that are not only suitable for all stages of development of children, but also good for adults.

During human evolution, the immune system is more and more perfect to help the body fight off diseases. Following the life circle of birth, aging, disease and death, the immune system also declines resistance with age.

However, this does not mean that we are passive in the attack of viruses and pathogens, instead, let’s actively seek ways to strengthen the immune system for the whole family for better health protection.

Why do we need to proactively boost immunity?


The immune system is relatively immature at birth and must develop to face many external challenges until adulthood and old age. These changes are associated with disease risk in stages of weak immune systems such as the immune gap, birth-giving, and old age.

The “immune gap” stage is when a baby is 6 months to 3 years old. Children have to be exposed to the outside environment more and often suffer from minor illnesses because the body has difficulty coping with pathogens like viruses and bacteria.

The best stage of pregnancy for women is 20-35 years old because this is the age to conceive and reduce dangerous complications. However, pregnant women will have many changes in their body, and are still belonging to the group with vulnerable immune systems, especially pregnancy after 35 years old.

After the age of 50, the body is aging faster and the immune system is also weakened. The elderly are the ones with the highest health risks during the epidemic season. According to the CDC, up to 8 in 10 Covid-19 deaths in the United States are aged 65 or older.

In addition to age and gender, the immune system is also vulnerable to external factors such as epidemics, weather … So, we need to actively strengthen our immunity to prevent health risks and ensure a long, healthy life. 

Nutrition helps to “actively” boost immunity


Humans have innate immunity available from birth or forming after passively infected. In the post-puberty and adulthood period, women tend to have an increased inflammatory response compared to men. This is also the reason why pregnant women have to pay more attention to boosting immunity.

To proactively boost our immunity, we can get vaccinated and follow a healthy diet. Science has also shown; the health of the digestive system determines up to 80% of the health of the immune system. Therefore, nutrition is a solution to strengthen the immune system that we can “actively” implement every day to protect the health of the whole family.

ColosCare – Colostrum nutritional solution to protect the whole family

To protect the health of the whole family, Nutricare’s nutritionists have been researching ColosCare – – A colostrum product with 1200 mg IgG antibody, among the highest on the market.

IgG (Immunoglobulin G) is the smallest but most abundant human antibody with 80% of the antibodies found in the body. IgG can bind pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and fungi, thus protecting the body against infections and toxins.

ColosCare is a nutritional solution that enhances the immune system for the whole family 

The representative of Nutricare shared: “In addition to the IgG antibody to 1200mg, ColosCare also contains nutrient ingredients that reinforce body’s resistance such as HMO 2’FL, Lactoferrin, Beta-Glucan 1,3 / 1,6”.

ColosCare has 3 product lines to strengthen the immune system for all ages: ColosCare formula and convenient prepared ColosCare + for children under 10 years old; ColosCare Adult formula for children from 10 years old and adults.

With a nutritional formula containing IgG in colostrum, ColosCare is a product suitable for the developmental stages of children, especially the “immune gap” phase. Colostrum content in 2 glasses of milk / day meets 100% of the recommended daily requirement. Other vitamins and minerals in the ingredients table are also carefully calculated to ensure a balanced diet for children. ColosCare Adult for adults and older also contains Prebiotics and Probiotics for better appetite.

All members of the family of age need to boost immunity to maintain health, especially during the epidemic season. If you do not actively prevent the disease, when one member is infected then the whole family can get sick or have to be isolated. ColosCare really brought a nutritional solution to help you protect your whole family with just 2 drinks a day!




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