

Provides high levels of Calcium and Vitamin D3 to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

With Nano Curcumin and Omega 3 rich in EPA and DHA, it supports anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant in the treatment of thyroid disorders.

Provides micronutrients Iodine, Selenium in the right amount stimulates the activity of thyroid hormone, regulates the abnormal activity of the thyroid gland.

The SLIM CARE system is a low-calorie, low-calorie fat loss system with protein sources from almonds and oats and a dietary carbohydrate system to help control weight gain.

Supplementing with precious protein Lactium with the Mg - B6 duo is scientifically proven to help reduce fatigue and improve sleep.
Soluble fiber (FOS/Inulin) is good for digestion and reduces constipation.
(*) Use 3 cups/day.
  • Q&A
  • Leanpro Thyro is a specialized nutrition rich in Iodine and Selenium to help improve thyroid hormone, especially with the exclusive SLIM CARE system to help control weight, reduce stress and fatigue, and improve overall health.
    400g: 24 cans/carton
    900g: 12 cans/carton

Thành phần/ Đơn vị/ Trong 100g/ Trong 1 ly (210ml)/
Ingredients Unit Per 100g Per serving (210ml)
Năng lượng/Energy kcal 348 139
Đạm/Protein g 15 6
Chất béo/Fat g 6.8 2.72
MUFA g 2040 816
PUFA g 555 222
Dầu cá (EPA+DHA)/ mg 300 120
Palm oil (EPA+DHA)
Bột đường/Carbohydrate g 71 28.4
Chất xơ/Prebiotic g 16.6 6.64
Lactium mg 48.3 19.3
Polyols g 2.55 1.02
Curcumin mg 50 20
Vitamin A mcg 499 200
Vitamin D3 mcg 9.94 3.98
Vitamin E mg 12.4 4.98
Vitamin K1 mcg 36.8 14.7
Vitamin C mg 100 40
Vitamin B1 mcg 918 367
Vitamin B2 mcg 1113 445
Thành phần/ Đơn vị/ Trong 100g/ Trong 1 ly (210ml)/
Ingredients Unit Per 100g Per serving (210ml)
Niacin mcg 15190 6076
Axit Pantothenic/Pantothenic acid mcg 2996 1198
Vitamin B6 mcg 1520 608
Axit Folic/Folic acid mcg 326 130
Vitamin B12 mcg 1.95 0.78
Biotin mcg 12 4.79
Na/Sodium mg 360 144
Kali/Potassium mg 550 220
Clo/Chloride mg 145 57.8
Canxi/Calcium mg 840 336
Photpho/Phosphorus mg 560 224
Magie/Magnesium mg 42.9 17.2
Sắt/Iron mg 8.69 3.48
Kẽm/Zinc mg 5.8 2.32
Mangan/Manganese mcg 477 191
Đồng/Copper mcg 219 87.6
I ốt/Iodine mcg 137 54.9
Selen/Selenium mcg 15 5.99
Crom/Chromium mcg 8.11 3.25
Molypden/Molybdenum mcg 8.07 3.23
- Wash hands with soap before mixing.
- Slowly add 40g of Leanpro Thyro (4 scoops) to 180ml of boiled water to warm about 45-50 degrees Celsius, stirring to get 210ml of solution.
- After mixing, use up within 3 hours.
- Use 2-3 cups/day with dietary supplement, use 7 cups/day with complete diet or as directed by doctor/nutritionist.
- Use for patients under the supervision of medical staff.
- Can be used to feed through steam. When used through a special steam, must follow the instructions of a doctor / nutritionist.