850 g


Net weight: 850 g

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Nutricare Smarta Grow provides Canxi, K2, D3 for Children’s height growth

Thành phần
Đơn vị
Trong 100 g bột
Per 100 g
Trong 1 ly pha chuẩn (210 ml)
Per serving
210 ml
Năng lượng/Energy kcal 455 182
Đạm/Protein g 15.0 6.00
Lysin/Lysine mg 1168 467
Leucin/Leucine mg 1310 524
Isoleucin/Isoleucine mg 730 292
Valin/Valine mg 870 348
Arginin/Arginine mg 580 232
Histidin/Histidine mg 370 148
Phenylalanin/Phenylalanine mg 610 244
Tyrosin/Tyrosine mg 520 208
Threonin/Threonine mg 610 244
Methionin/Methionine mg 320 128
Tryptophan/Tryptophan mg 190 76.0
Cystin/Cystine mg 160 64.0
Axit glutamic/Glutamic acid mg 2970 1188
Axit aspartic/Aspartic acid mg 1150 460
Glycin/Glycine mg 300 120
Alanin/Alanine mg 470 188
Prolin/Proline mg 1290 516
Serin/Serine mg 770 308
Chất béo/Lipid g 16.5 6.60
DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) mg 33.0 13.2
Carbohydrate tổng/Total carbohydrate g 61.8 24.7
Prebiotics (FOS/Inulin) mg 500 200
Taurin/Taurine mg 42.1 16.8
Cholin/Choline mg 170 68.0
Vitamin A IU 2130 852
Vitamin D3 IU 500 200
Vitamin E IU 7.95 3.18
Vitamin K1 µg 13.7 5.48
Vitamin K2 µg 40.0 16.0
Vitamin C mg 58.7 23.5
Vitamin B1 µg 397 159
Vitamin B2 µg 738 295
Niacin µg 5015 2006
Axit pantothenic/Pantothenic acid µg 1822 729
Vitamin B6 µg 756 302
Axit folic/Folic acid µg 130 52.0
Vitamin B12 µg 1.50 0.60
Biotin µg 11.7 4.68
Khoáng chất/Minerals 
Natri/Sodium mg 268 107
Kali/Potassium mg 519 208
Canxi/Calcium mg 1100 440
Phốt pho/Phosphorus mg 608 243
Magiê/Magnesium mg 80.1 32.0
Sắt/Iron mg 6.12 2.45
Kẽm/Zinc mg 5.71 2.28
Mangan/Manganese µg 408 163
Đồng/Copper µg 136 54.3
I-ốt/Iodine µg 66.7 26.7
Selen/Selenium µg 22.4 8.97
Crôm/Chromium µg 8.61 3.45
Molypden/Molybdenum µg 17.2 6.88

Wash your hands with soap and water.

All utensils must be cleaned and boiled for 2 minutes.

Boil the water for 5 minutes, then let it cool off to lukewarm (approximately 45 – 50℃).

Pour 180 ml of water into the utensils, then add 4 scoops (approximately 40 g) of Nutricare Smarta Grow.

Stir well until the powder is completely dissolved to get 210 ml Nutricare Smarta Grow. Check the heat before feeding.

Finish using Nutricare Smarta Grow reconstituted feeding 1 hour after preparation.

Close the tin tightly after each use. Store in a cool and dry place, and avoid direct sunlight.

Use within 3 weeks after first opened.

Note: The product may contain nutrient micro-particles that are different in color from the milk powder. Follow doctor/dietitian’s instructions.

Feed children with hygienic cups and spoons.