

400g, 900g

Breast milk is the best food for the health and holistic development of young children

According to the National Institute of Nutrition, breast milk has many antibodies that help babies fight bacterial infections. Breastfed babies are less likely to develop diarrhea, pneumonia, and other illnesses than non-breastfed babies.

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Care 100 Gold+ nutrition products (for children from 3 years old)


400g: 24 boxes/carton
900g: 12 boxes/carton

Thành phần
Đơn vị
Trong 100 g bột
Per 100 g
Trong 200 ml pha chuẩn
Per serving
Năng lượng/Energy kcal 500 240
Đạm/Protein g 17.0 8.16
Chất béo/Fat g 24.2 11.6
LA (Linolenic acid) mg 1664 792
ALA (Alpha-linolenic acid) mg 209 100
DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) mg 25.0 12.0
MCT (Medium-chain triglycerides) g 0.50 0.20
Carbohydrate tổng/Total carbohydrate g 53.5 25.7
Chất xơ hòa tan (FOS/Inulin)

Prebiotics (FOS/Inulin)

g 3.00 1.40
Nucleotit/Nucleotides mg 25.0 12.0
Sữa non/Colostrum mg 500 240
IgG mg 100 48.0
Taurin/Taurine mg 35.0 16.8
Cholin/Choline mg 98.0 47.0
Vitamin A µg 625 300
Vitamin D3 µg 10.0 4.80
Vitamin E mg 8.00 3.80
Vitamin K µg 20.0 9.60
Vitamin C mg 75.0 36.0
Vitamin B1 µg 900 432
Vitamin B2 µg 900 432
Niacin µg 9000 4320
Axit pantothenic/Pantothenic acid µg 3000 1440
Vitamin B6 µg 900 432
Vitamin B12 µg 1.00 0.50
Axit folic/Folic acid µg 150 72.0
Biotin µg 12.0 5.80
Khoáng chất/Minerals      
Natri/Sodium mg 230 110
Kali/Potassium mg 700 336
Canxi/Calcium mg 600 288
Phốt pho/Phosphorus mg 600 288
Magiê/Magnesium mg 67.7 32.5
Sắt/Iron mg 9.00 4.32
Kẽm/Zinc mg 7.30 3.50
Mangan/Manganese µg 600 288
Đồng/Copper µg 150 72.0
I-ốt/Iodine µg 100 48.0
Selen/Selenium µg 27.5 13.2
Crôm/Chromium µg 5.70 2.74
Molypden/Molybdenum µg 8.00 3.80


1) Wash your hands with soap and water.

2) All utensils must be cleaned and boiled for 2 minutes.

3) Boil the water for 5 minutes, then let it cool off to lukewarm (approximately 45 – 500C).

4) Pour 180 ml of water into the utensils, then add 48 g (5 scoops) of Care 100 Gold+.

5) Stir well until the powder is completely dissolved to get 200 ml Care 100 Gold+. Check the heat before feeding.

Finish using Care 100 Gold+ reconstituted feeding 1 hour after preparation.