ColosCare 24h 2+ is proven to reduce the rate of respiratory infections in children with exceptionally high IgG 1200 antibodies

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Afamily – In the first years of life, the child’s immune system is still weak and vulnerable to pathogens. Therefore, supplementing essential nutrients, especially IgG antibodies, plays an important role. IgG antibodies have also been recommended by many health organizations to supplement children to enhance resistance.

Uses of IgG antibodies

IgG antibodies, or Immunoglobulin G (with 4 subclasses: IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4) are the most common type of antibody, accounting for about 75% of human serum and body fluids. IgG is the only antibody that crosses the placenta, protecting newborns/young children from infectious diseases. Some uses of IgG antibodies are as follows:

– Anti-inflammation: IgG helps identify and neutralize bacteria, viruses and toxins, reducing the risk of infectious diseases.

– Support in disease treatment: IgG can be used in immunotherapy to treat some diseases such as autoimmune diseases and immune-related problems. Supplementing IgG can improve the body’s immune status, fighting infectious diseases.

– Prevent infectious diseases: IgG antibodies are an important component in the immune response after vaccination. A study at the University of Cambridge with the topic: “Evaluating changes in antibody concentrations in different groups after vaccination against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)” showed that: IgG antibodies can exist in the human body in a stable and long-term state, which has a good disease prevention effect.

– Boost the immunity: For young children, especially those with weak immune systems or those in the immune gap stage, supplementing IgG antibodies is essential. This helps improve children’s resistance, protecting them from common illnesses such as colds, flu, and other infections.

IgG antibodies are researched and recommended for children by many prestigious medical organizations

Thanks to its outstanding uses, IgG antibodies have been researched and recommended for use by many leading prestigious medical organizations for children to enhance their immunity. The Vietnamese Ministry of Health recommends supplementing IgG antibodies for young children to enhance their immunity. IgG has the effect of preventing gastrointestinal and respiratory infections in children, allowing to reduce the number of illnesses during the immune gap period.

A study by Hanoi Medical University on the humoral immunity of children with diphtheria in Kon Tum in 2020 also showed that: children with enough IgG antibodies are better protected, reducing the risk of diphtheria. And in particular, immunity decreases over time and children are at risk of infection when the antibody concentration is below the protective level. From the research results, the role of the immune system in general and antibodies in particular is further clarified.

ColosCare 24h 2+ is supplemented with 1200 mg of superior IgG antibodies from 24-hour colostrum imported from the US, boosting children’s resistance

ColosCare 24h 2+ strong resistance and weight gain for babies after 2 months

ColosCare 24h 2+ is a specialized nutritional product, specially formulated for children with low resistance, frequent illness, and slow weight gain. Researched and developed by the Nutricare Medical Nutrition Institute – USA (NMNI-USA), ColosCare 24h 2+ meets the strict standards of the United States – the country with the most medical technology and nutrition companies, leading in product and service development in the industry. The product has also been researched to suit the needs and physical condition of Vietnamese children.

ColosCare 24h 2+ stands out thanks to its 1200 mg of superior IgG antibodies from 24h colostrum, carefully selected, imported directly from the US, ensuring optimal quality and effectiveness. Drinking ColosCare 24h 2+, children are supplemented with natural IgG antibodies from 24h colostrum, thereby improving resistance better, reducing the risk of infectious diseases.

ColosCare 24h 2+ supplemented with 1200 mg IgG to reduce the rate of respiratory infections.

More specifically, ColosCare 24h 2+ breakthroughs in Postbiotic technology, supplementing 10 billion probiotics, along with HMO to help limit the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses into the digestive system, supporting the balance of intestinal microflora, thereby allowing children to absorb nutrients better, eat well, and sleep well. ColosCare 24h 2+ also contains fiber (FOS/ Inulin) to reduce diarrhea and constipation in children.

ColosCare 24h 2+ is clinically proven to reduce the rate of respiratory infections and increase resistance.

Based on the results of clinical research from the Institute of Health Science and Technology, after 2 months of using ColosCare 24h 2+, children had positive changes in nutrition and health. Specifically: the rate of respiratory infections was reduced by 31.7%; the rate of diarrhea and constipation was reduced by 34.1% and 21.7%, respectively. Regarding weight gain, the group of children using the product gained an average of 0.75 kg, 0.49 kg higher than the control group. In addition, the product is also proven to help reduce anorexia, insomnia and effectively support children’s height growth.

ColosCare 24h 2+ is proven to reduce respiratory infections and help babies gain weight after 2 months.

ColosCare 24h 2+ not only contains high-quality, easily absorbed Protein, providing energy for children to gain weight, but also contains more than 56 essential nutrients, including Calcium and Vitamin D3 in optimal proportions to effectively support the development of the musculoskeletal system and height of children.

In addition to powdered milk, ColosCare 24h 2+ also has a ready-to-drink milk, convenient to carry anywhere while nutritional value ensured. In particular, ColosCare 24h ready-to-drink milk has also been clinically proven to help reduce the rate of respiratory infections, reduce the rate of diarrhea and constipation, allowing children to gain healthy weight.

With the reputation of Nutricare – National Brand of Medical Nutrition and clinically proven uses. ColosCare 24h 2+ has become a reliable solution chosen by parents to help children increase resistance and gain healthy weight every day.

ColosCare 24h 2+ product – Strong resistance and weight gain for babies is researched and developed by Nutricare and Nutricare Medical Nutrition Institute – USA.


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