

Breastfed babies are less likely to get diarrhea, pneumonia and other illnesses than babies who are not breastfed.

Breast milk is the best food for the health and comprehensive development of babies According to the National Institute of Nutrition, breast milk has many antibodies that help babies fight infections. Breastfed babies are less likely to get diarrhea, pneumonia and other illnesses than babies who are not breastfed.

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Thành phần/Ingredient Đơn vị/Unit 110 ml 180 ml
Năng lượng/Ennergy kcal 78.4 128
Protein g 3.14 5.14
Béo/Lipid g 3.17 5.19
DHA mg 3.17 5.19
LA (Axit Linoleic) mg 130 213
ALA (Axit Anpha Linolenic) mg 41.1 67.3
Carbohydrate g 9.71 15.9
Chất xơ hòa tan (FOS/Inulin) g 0.62 1.02
HMO (2’-FL) mg 21.3 34.9
Sữa non (Colostrum) mg 22.9 37.6
Lysin mg 227 371
Vitamin A IU 206 336
Vitamin D3 IU 88.7 145
Vitamin E IU 3.43 5.62
Vitamin K1 µg 1.47 2.40
Vitamin C mg 13.7 22.5
Vitamin B1 µg 95.2 156
Vitamin B2 µg 199 326
Niacin µg 776 1270
Axit pantothenic µg 186 305
Vitamin B6 µg 62.1 102
Axit folic µg 18.4 30.1
Vitamin B12 µg 0.27 0.45
Biotin µg 0.51 0.83
Natri mg 47.4 77.6
Kali mg 129 212
Canxi mg 100 164
Phốt pho mg 83.6 137
Magiê mg 13.0 21.2
Sắt mg 0.57 0.93
I-ốt µg 17.7 28.9
Kẽm mg 1.12 1.84
Đồng µg 12.8 21.0
Mangan µg 41.0 67.1
Selen µg 3.03 4.96
Crôm µg 0.40 0.65
Molypden µg 0.55 0.90

1) For single use only.
2) Tastes better when consumed cold.
3) Shake well before use.
4) It is recommended to use 3 – 4 boxes per day (for 110 ml boxes).
5) It is recommended to use 2 – 3 boxes per day (for 180 ml boxes).