

400g, 900g

  • High-quality protein HMB with Arginine, BCAA help strengthen the muscle system, quickly recover health after illness.
    Add 50% Calcium, along with vitamin D3, Magnesium, Phosphorus to help prevent osteoporosis, enhance movement.
    Rich in plant-based unsaturated fats MUFA, PUFA & cholesterol-free to help reduce atherosclerosis, good for the heart.
    A balanced source of 27 vitamins & minerals, along with Antioxidants (A, C, E & Selenium) to help strengthen immunity and restore health.
    Lactium helps support sleep. Rich in soluble fiber (FOS) & lactose free for easy digestion


  • Q&A
Nutricare Gold is suitable for adults and children from 10 years old, who need additional energy; Elderly people have poor digestion, difficulty in chewing and swallowing; People in the convalescence period, before and after surgery need to restore health; People with problems of stress, anxiety, insomnia.


400g tin can, 24 cans/carton.
900g tin can, 12 cans/carton.
Thành phần/Components Đơn vị/Unit Trong 100 g bột/Per 100 g of product Trong 1 ly (210 ml)/ Per serving  (210 ml)
Năng lượng/Energy kcal 447 210
Đạm/Protein g 18.3 8.6
BCAA mg 3329 1565
Arginine mg 900 423
Methionine mg 134 63.2
Chất béo/Fat g 15.9 7.47
MUFA mg 4931 2318
PUFA mg 1341 630
Carbohydrate tổng/Total Carbohydrate g 60 28.2
Chất xơ hòa tan (FOS/Inulin) g 3.6 1.69
Lactium mg 50 23.5
CaHMB mg 500 235
HMB mg 410 193
Vitamin A IU 1753 824
Vitamin D3 IU 472 222
Vitamin E IU 16.7 7.85
Vitamin K1 µg 27.1 12.7
Vitamin C mg 100 47.1
Vitamin B1 µg 1014 477
Vitamin B2 µg 733 344
Thành phần/Components Đơn vị/Unit Trong 100 g bột/Per 100 g of product Trong 1 ly (210 ml)/ Per serving  (210 ml)
Niacin µg 12068 5672
Axit Pantothenic/Pantothenic acid µg 4341 2040
Vitamin B6 µg 1480 695
Axit Folic/Folic acid µg 109 51
Vitamin B12 µg 6.6 3.1
Biotin µg 32.5 15.3
Natri/Sodium mg 234 110
Kali/Potassium mg 182 85.4
Clo/Chloride mg 346 163
Canxi/Calcium mg 690 324
Phốt pho/Phosphorus mg 260 122
Magiê/Magnesium mg 74.1 34.8
Sắt/Iron mg 3.4 1.6
Kẽm/Zinc mg 14.5 6.82
Mangan/Manganese µg 1100 517
Đồng/Copper µg 303 142
I ốt/Iodine µg 54.2 25.5
Selen/Selenium µg 18.7 8.79
Crôm/Chromium µg 19.3 9.07
Molypden/Molybdenum µg 19.2 9.02
  • Slowly add 47 g of Nutricare Gold (5 scoops) into 190 ml of boiled water to warm about (45-50oC), stir well 210 ml of Nutricare Gold solution, providing 210 Kcal.
    The mixture should be used immediately or refrigerated and used up within 3 hours.
    Drink 2-3 glasses of Nutricare Gold/day