

Nutrient dense (1.25 kcal / ml), rich in whey protein, along with Arginine, BCAAs help restore health, increase muscle mass synthesis. EPA from Omega 3 fish oil improves cachexia.

Fucoidan supplements combined with Antioxidant system (Vitamins A, C, E & Se) help reduce stress fatigue.

Nano Curcumin supplement supports quick healing of incisions.
Calcium & Calcium D3 supplements with Magnesium, Phosphorus help reduce the risk of osteoporosis, improve bone and joint function, ensure maintenance and increase movement for sick people

Supplemented with 100% soluble fiber (FOS/Inulin), Nucleotides help improve digestion and MCT fats are easily absorbed.
High calcium supplements and Vitamin D3-Magnesium-Phosphorus trio enhance calcium absorption into bones.

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Leanpro Hope adds a high-energy source rich in protein, especially EPA supplements from Omega 3 fish oil to help restore health, strengthen muscle mass and improve deterioration.

Package size:

400g: 24 cans/carton
900g: 12 cans/carton

Thành phần/Components Đơn vị/ Unit Trong 100 g bột/Per 100 g of product Trong 1 ly (220 ml)/Per serving  (220 ml)
Năng lượng/Energy kcal 474 256
Đạm/Protein g 21 11.3
Đạm Whey/ Whey protein g 7.5 4.05
BCAA mg 3561 1923
Arginine mg 1000 540
Methionine mg 256 138
Glutamine mg 640 346
Chất béo/Fat g 21 11.3
MUFA mg 6642 3587
PUFA mg 2094 1131
Omega 3 mg 121 65.5
Omega 6 mg 1761 951
MCT g 2.1 1.1
Carbohydrate tổng/Total Carbohydrate g 52.6 28.4
Chất xơ hòa tan (FOS/Inulin) g 3.6 1.94
Curcumin mg 110 59.4
Nucleotides mg 22.1 11.9
Vitamin A IU 1573 850
Vitamin D3 IU 424 229
Vitamin E IU 15 8.1
Vitamin K1 µg 24.4 13.2
Vitamin C mg 90.3 48.8
Vitamin B1 µg 906 489
Vitamin B2 µg 605 327
Thành phần/Components Đơn vị/ Unit Trong 100 g bột/Per 100 g of product Trong 1 ly (220 ml)/Per serving  (220 ml)
Niacin µg 10857 5863
Axit Pantothenic/Pantothenic acid µg 3891 2101
Vitamin B6 µg 1330 718
Axit Folic/Folic acid µg 96.8 52.3
Biotin µg 24.4 13.2
Natri/Sodium mg 280 151
Kali/Potassium mg 191 103
Clo/Chloride mg 374 202
Canxi/Calcium mg 504 272
Phốt pho/Phosphorus mg 234 126
Magiê/Magnesium mg 78.7 42.5
Sắt/Iron mg 3.9 2.11
Kẽm/Zinc mg 15.5 8.37
Mangan/Manganese µg 1137 614
Đồng/Copper µg 344 186
I ốt/Iodine µg 58.3 31.5
Selen/Selenium µg 19.1 10.3
Crôm/Chromium µg 20.9 11.3
Molypden/Molybdenum µg 20.8 11.2

– Wash your hands with soap before brewing.
– Slowly add 56g of Leanpro Hope (6 tablespoons) to 160ml of boiled water to warm about 45-50 degrees Celsius, stir 210ml of solution.
– The mixture after the phase is used up within 3 hours.
– Use 2 drinks / day with a supplement diet, take 7 glasses / day with a complete diet or follow the instructions of a doctor / nutritionist.
– Use for patients under the supervision of medical staff.
– Can be fed through steaming. When administered through a special steamer, you must follow the instructions of your doctor/dietitian.