Leanmax Rena Gold: Nutrition enhancement for patients with kidney failure

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suckhoedoisong.vnTo enhance nutrition for patients with kidney failure, Leanmax Rena Gold offers a specialized solution to make kidneys healthier.


The kidney is a very important organ and if it is damaged, the body will be at risk of poisoning in the blood leading to rapid death. In fact, even cases diagnosed and treated early can still deteriorate leading to kidney failure.

Kidney failure is a disease with a very high risk of death and requires expensive treatment costs, especially when entering the stage of hemodialysis. The dialysis needle is 10 times bigger than a normal needle and the excruciating pain is the haunt of many patients with kidney failure!

During treatment, nutrition plays an important role in keeping the kidneys healthy before dialysis. So how should people with kidney failure increase their nutrition effectively?

Do not underestimate nutrition when treating kidney failure

Nutrition is an essential part of the treatment regimen of kidney disease. The menu for people with kidney failure needs to note 3 factors including protein content, electrolyte balance and the amount of fluid entering the body.

Accordingly, the principle of building a menu for patients with kidney failure is to reduce protein intake, eat bland, limit water, eat enough energy, vitamins and minerals. However, patients have many difficulties when choosing food.

 width=Patients with kidney failure need to have an early nutritional plan for effective treatment

Patients with kidney failure may experience problems such as digestive disorders; metabolic disorders, urea poisoning; inflammation, hormone disturbances, gastrointestinal diseases. If the patient neglects or despises the nutrition, the condition may get worse. Therefore, patients with kidney failure need to have an early nutritional plan before dialysis for effective treatment.

Understanding the difficulties of kidney patients, Nutricare’s experts have researched and launched a line of nutritional treatment support products, Leanmax Rena Gold with 2 main products including Leanmax Rena Gold 1 and Leanmax Rena Gold. 2. This is a specialized nutritional solution to help improve the health of patients with kidney failure and patients are in the period of dialysis.

Stronger kidneys with Leanmax Rena Gold

According to the report of Dr. Dao Thi Hao (Department of Nutrition, Hospital 108), patients with kidney failure have had positive results when following the recommended diet. This is the report of the topic: “Active nutrition treatment for kidney transplant patients with acute rejection, hyperkalemia at Military Central Hospital 108” in the 4th Scientific Conference on Surgical nursing in Vietnam on 11/12/2020 at Thai Nguyen Central Hospital.

Doctor Dao Thi Hảo’s report in the 4th Scientific Conference on Surgical nursing in Vietnam on 11/12/2020 at Thai Nguyen Central Hospital

In the report, Leanmax Rena Gold 1 was mentioned as a nutritional solution to help patients with kidney failure to improve their health and have a successfully treatment. 

 width=Leanmax Rena Gold 1 helps patients with kidney failure to improve health

Leanmax Rena Gold 1 is for patients with glomerulonephritis, kidney failure, pre-hemodialysis. For the pre-hemodialysis period, the patient does not have to undergo dialysis, so it is necessary to have a special diet with a protein reduction formula, 4g / 1 standard glass of milk

Besides protein reduction, Leanmax Rena Gold 1 also works to balance electrolytes, stabilize blood sugar and enhance health with energy, vitamins and minerals. Thanks to that, the product helps to solve the problems of patients in the pre-dialysis period.

In the stage of hemodialysis, when patients need a diet rich in protein to compensate for the dialysis process, Leanmax Rena Gold 2 is optimally designed to be suitable for this period.

 width=Leanmax Rena Gold 2 is suitable for patients with hemodialysis stage

At each stage, patients with kidney disease have their own nutritional principles when building the menu. Leanmax Rena Gold is a nutritional enhancement solution that makes kidneys healthier. Do not underestimate nutrition, because this is the key to helping people with kidney disease recover faster!

Leanmax Rena Gold is a specialized nutritional product line for patients with kidney failure, hemodialysis and especially, can be used for diabetics, researched and produced by Nutricare Nutrition Joint Stock Company – Vietnam National Brand consecutively from 2018 

For more information, please visit:

Website: https://nutricare.com.vn

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/Leanmax.LeanProBeno

Hotline: 1800 6061 (Toll free)

Nguồn: https://suckhoedoisong.vn/leanmax-rena-gold-tang-cuong-dinh-duong-cho-nguoi-benh-suy-than-169185960.htm

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